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  1. snipezo

    Sim 01-07 (Days 71-80) Results -- LIVE

    3-5. Probably have to make some minor adjustments. Or maybe make a couple of minor trades as well.
  2. snipezo

    Sim 01-07 (Days 71-80) Results -- LIVE

    First shit sim of the season. Yuck.
  3. snipezo

    Sim 01-07 (Days 71-80) Results -- LIVE

    Trade me okafor and youll be undefeated for the rest of the season.
  4. snipezo

    Sim 01-07 (Days 71-80) Results -- LIVE

    Lets make some reactionary trades.
  5. snipezo

    Sim 01-07 (Days 71-80) Results -- LIVE

    Garbage sim.
  6. snipezo

    Sim 01-07 (Days 71-80) Results -- LIVE

    We're struggling a bit.
  7. snipezo

    Sim 01-07 (Days 71-80) Results -- LIVE

    Russ is going off. Talk to me in the offseason, CC .
  8. snipezo

    Sim 01-07 (Days 71-80) Results -- LIVE

    0-2 damn man. D needs work.
  9. snipezo

    Sim 01-07 (Days 71-80) Results -- LIVE

    Another blow out loss. Jeez.
  10. snipezo

    Devean George

  11. snipezo

    2018 MLB Season Thread

    Interesting that they want him gone with how low his trade value must be.theres probably something we dont know thats happening behind closed doors. Ill miss him for sure.
  12. snipezo

    2018 MLB Season Thread

    Only can the jays make the orioles look like a great team lol. Gonna be a fun couple more years of rebuilding.
  13. snipezo

    2018 MLB Season Thread

    he looks done man. looks like retirement will be inevitable for him after this year.
  14. snipezo

    Raptors bank

    $1 for previous live sim  Total: 16
  15. snipezo


    How well do yall think prime manu would have done if he was the #1 option of a team?
  16. snipezo

    Commish's Power Rankings Vol. 1

    Never thought I'd ever see Franchise player and ramon sessions all mentioned in the same sentence.
  17. snipezo

    Sim 01-06 (Days 61-70) Results -- LIVE

    Holy shit pau really played 45 mins in a regular season game lmaooo
  18. snipezo

    Sim 01-06 (Days 61-70) Results -- LIVE

  19. snipezo

    Sim 01-06 (Days 61-70) Results -- LIVE

    2-2 is unacceptable