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  1. F

    2015 NFL Gameday Thread

    Baltimore is mediocre...
  2. F

    2015 NFL Gameday Thread

    Another win for the Giants in the books :)
  3. F

    NFL Stadium Game

      Correct. First one to get it wins   Username - Team Name - Total points 1) Elcheato - Cleveland (1 point) 2) Big Bidness - Houston (1point) 3) SC3 - Panthers (1point) 4) Hurricane - Mile High/Denver Broncos (1point) 5) Cameron - San Francisco (1 point) 6) Nolafan - Chargers (1) 7) Nolafan -...
  4. F

    NFL Stadium Game

      Nola on fire   Username - Team Name - Total points 1) Elcheato - Cleveland (1 point) 2) Big Bidness - Houston (1point) 3) SC3 - Panthers (1point) 4) Hurricane - Mile High/Denver Broncos (1point) 5) Cameron - San Francisco (1 point) 6) Nolafan - Chargers (1) 7) Nolafan - Arizona (2) 8) big...
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    NFL Stadium Game

  6. F

    NFL Stadium Game

  7. F

    NFL Stadium Game

    Stadium 12  
  8. F

    NFL Stadium Game

      That was quick, 1 point to elcheato   Username - Team Name - Total points 1) Elcheato - Cleveland (1 point) 2) Big Bidness - Houston (1point) 3) SC3 - Panthers (1point) 4) Hurricane - Mile High/Denver Broncos (1point) 5) Cameron - San Francisco (1 point) 6) Nolafan - Chargers (1) 7) Nolafan -...
  9. F

    NFL Stadium Game

    Stadium 11  
  10. F

    NFL Stadium Game

      Winner, another point for Nola   Updated Point List:   Username - Team Name - Total points 1) Elcheato - Cleveland (1 point) 2) Big Bidness - Houston (1point) 3) SC3 - Panthers (1point) 4) Hurricane - Mile High/Denver Broncos (1point) 5) Cameron - San Francisco (1 point) 6) Nolafan - Chargers...
  11. F

    NFL Stadium Game

          Incorrect both
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    NFL Stadium Game

  13. F

    NFL Stadium Game

      Correct, 1 point for cheato.     STADIUM 10  
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    NFL Stadium Game

      Winner       STADIUM 9  
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    NFL Stadium Game

  16. F

    NFL Stadium Game

    STADIUM 8  
  17. F

    NFL Stadium Game

      Good question, no fucking clue lol. Could that be a minor league team or something? 
  18. F

    NFL Stadium Game

      Sorry, that's why it's 1 guess per person so it makes it a little easier for latecomers to get a chance. But people are doing pretty well
  19. F

    NFL Stadium Game

      Incorrect     Winner, another point for Nola
  20. F

    NFL Stadium Game

    Stadium 7  